Office Address

Plot B08/945 Jahi District, Abuja, Nigeria

Phone Number

+234 (0)807 662 0649

+234 (0)803 595 9513

Email Address

ORIGIO Gradient Series

Innovative formulation drawing on the latest scientific knowledge of sperm function

Key Features

  • High pH to mimic in vivo physiological conditions and stimulate higher motility
  • High HSA and Bicarbonate concentration to support optimal sperm function
  • Designed for use outside a CO2 controlled environment
  • Antioxidants to minimize ROS formation
  • Can be used for IUI

Order Codes

Reference Description Size HSA mg/ml Shelf Life Guarantee
84000060 ORIGIO Gradient 100 60ml Minimum 12 weeks
84002060 ORIGIO Gradient 100 2 x 60ml Minimum 12 weeks
84004125 ORIGIO Gradient 100 4 x 125ml Minimum 12 weeks
84010060 ORIGIO Gradient™ 90 60ml 5 mg/mL Minimum 12 weeks
84022060 ORIGIO Gradient™ 40/80 2 x 60ml 5 mg/mL Minimum 12 weeks
84022010 ORIGIO Gradient™ 40/80 2 x 10ml 5 mg/mL Minimum 12 weeks
84021210 ORIGIO Gradient™ 40/80 12 x 10ml 5 mg/mL Minimum 12 weeks
84050060 ORIGIO Sperm Wash 60ml 10 mg/mL Minimum 12 weeks
84055060 ORIGIO Sperm Wash 5 x 60ml 10 mg/mL Minimum 12 weeks
84051010 ORIGIO Sperm Wash 10 x 10ml 10 mg/mL Minimum 12 weeks