Office Address

Plot B08/945 Jahi District, Abuja, Nigeria

Phone Number

+234 (0)807 662 0649

+234 (0)803 595 9513

Email Address

Mars-IVF Class II Workstation

Mars workstations are certified and complying to IEC 61010-2-010:2003 , IEC 61010 -1 -2010 (3rd Edition)

Key Features

  • Mars workstations are certified and complying to IEC 61010-2-010:2003 , IEC 61010 -1 -2010 (3rd Edition)
  • Even curtain of non-turbulent air flow filtered with HEPA filters, H-14 type (99.97% efficiency for 0.3 μm particles).
  • Electrically adjustable front window
  • Noise level < 52 dBA
  • Even and stable temperature in the heated surface.
  • The Heated surface is microscope prepared and includes, a heated glass stage, and an LED light source as standard.
  • Programmable auto-start and shut-down functions of all built in features, including air flow.
  • 21.5” LCD monitor, external data output via USB, and electrical outlets are included as standard.

Product Specifications

Versions 900-1200-1500-1800 mm available models (approximate width)
Single, Dual and MP. (Dual and MP available only in 1800 mm model)
Standard configuration Electrical heating
Heated glass Stage
LED light source
Temperature controlled humidifier
21.5” LCD monitor
USB data output
Electrical outlets
UV light (except WM1800MP model)
Fixed support Stand (800-850 mm)

Order Codes

Reference Description
WM900E MARS 900 IVF E 3ft 240V
WM900E-S120/td> MARS 900 IVF 120V Std.Heat
WM900E-W5120 MARS 900 IVF W 120V 3ft
WM900E-W5240 MARS 900 IVF W 3ft 240V
WM1200E MARS 1200 IVF E 4ft 240V
WM1200E-S120 MARS 1200 IVF 120V Std.Heat
WM1200E-W5120 MARS 1200 IVF W 120V 4ft
WM1500LE MARS 1500 IVF E Left 5ft 240V
WM1500LE-S120 MARS 1500 Left IVF 120V Std.He
WM1500LE-W5120 MARS 1500 IVF W LEFT 120V
WM1500LE-W5240 MARS 1500 IVF W LEFT 240V
WM1500RE MARS 1500 IVF E Right 5ft 240V
WM1500RE-S120 MARS 1500 Right IVF 120V Std.H
WM1500RE-W5120 MARS 1500 IVF W RIGHT 120V
WM1500RE-W5240 MARS 1500 IVF W RIGHT 240V
WM1800 MARS 1800 LAF 6ft 240V
WM1800DE MARS 1800 Dual E 6ft 240V
WM1800DE-S120 MARS 1800 Dual IVF 120V Std.He
WM1800DE-W5120 MARS 1800 IVF W DUAL 120V
WM1800DE-W5240 MARS 1800 IVF W DUAL 240V
WM1800-L120 MARS 1800 LAF 120V
WM1800LE MARS 1800 IVF E Left 6ft 240V
WM1800LE-S120 MARS 1800 Left IVF 120V Std.He
WM1800LE-W5120 MARS 1800 IVF W LEFT 120V
WM1800LE-W5240 MARS 1800 IVF W LEFT 240V
WM1800MPE MARS 1800 MP E 6ft 240V
WM1800MPE-S120 MARS 1800 MP IVF 120V Std.Heat
WM1800MPE-W5120 MARS 1800 IVF W MPE 120V
WM1800MPE-W5240 MARS 1800 IVF W MPE 240V
WM1800RE MARS 1800 IVF E Right 6ft 240V
WM1800RE-S120 MARS 1800 Right IVF 120V Std.H
WM1800RE-W5120 MARS 1800 IVF W RIGHT 120V
WM1800RE-W5240 MARS 1800 IVF W RIGHT 240V